Looking back at Nothing But Thirty, Zhong Xiaoqin asked to return to the company after the small maternity leave.

  Looking at Nothing But Thirty again, Zhong Xiaoqin asked him to return to the company after a small maternity leave, warmly greeted his colleagues in the company, and said, "When I am not in the company, no one can get the coffee machine."

  As a result, my colleague immediately answered, "Now I don't need coffee, I order takeout. This coffee is cheap and delicious."

  After hearing a burst of disappointment, Zhong Xiaoqin murmured, "I was not in the company, so everyone was not affected."

  Zhong Xiaoqin is a common post-it girl. She is an ordinary employee of a property management company, and she doesn't make mistakes or take the lead in her work. She is a well-known nice guy in character. Every time a colleague is short of something, she always offers it and never refuses it. Even a little thing like making a coffee machine has to be taken care of.

  Zhong Xiaoqin thought that she was an indispensable person in the company, but when she returned to work at the company after the leave because her child accidentally ran away, she found that she was not so important, and loss was inevitable.

  Therefore, in the company, it is most important to put your mind in a correct position. Everyone's time is the same. Your time is always to maintain some superficial human feelings and not to improve your work skills, which is a disappointment to yourself.