Matters needing attention in 2023 Geng Shenyue (August in Gregorian calendar)!

  Weather is the arrangement of space and time in the universe, which has the energy characteristics that affect our physiology, psychology and fortune.

  Beginning of autumn is coming soon. On August 8th, we will welcome Geng Shenyue, which also represents the beginning of the second half of the year. Geng Shenyue and fleeting Guimao have produced a very good energy combination, the hot summer is about to pass, and the harvested autumn Geng Shenyue is coming soon!

  This month, gold is flourishing, and people who like gold in eight characters will have a good fortune this month, while those who avoid gold may have a bad fortune. Gold begets water, and water is not weak. The wood was closed, and the wood was gradually lost. The fire is rustic. Because the gold is very strong this month, and the wood is also serious, the problem of stagnation of liver-qi and lung diseases will be more prominent this month, so we should actively raise our health and keep healthy.

  At the same time, this month is also the post-horse month, which means that everyone will have a variety of busy States. For example, travel, business trip, moving, walking more and so on.

  There are also three particularly good festivals in the lunar calendar, namely, Heaven Forgive Day, Chinese Valentine's Day Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. Those who are not good friends usually need to be diligent in their participation and blessings this month, because their merits will increase exponentially this month.

  Note this month:

  Friends who belong to snakes, rats, dragons, or those who have been married for four days, children's days, and children's days will have a good opportunity environment and a better job and wealth. However, friends who are snakes have changed their feelings greatly this month, or their health is not smooth. They should also adjust their psychological emotions and properly deal with various problems.

  Friends who are chickens, cows, monkeys, or friends who apply for Japanese holidays, have no serious problems with Ryutsuki, or may be helped by life, and their fortune may rise and fall. They can continue their careers or invest in financial management, but also avoid possible risks. Friends who are monkeys should pay attention to their health when this happens.

  Being a horse, a sheep, a dog, or a friend in the middle of the day, before the end of the day, constitutes a fragile or restrained relationship with the month. Therefore, there are both good and bad luck, challenges and opportunities. You can grasp the financial management of your career, but you should be careful in your work and career. Don't rush for success in marriage and love. It is wise to deal with it calmly.

  A friend who is a rabbit or a Japanese is restrained by the monthly order, which is a period of weakness, so he will also be restricted by his side. Therefore, his fortune is also very bad, and he should pay attention to his health.

  A friend who belongs to a pig, or a friend who lives in the sea, and the application of the monthly order constitute "mutual harm". This kind of mutual harm is the benefit of the strong party, while the weak party is injured. This month, in Shen Jin, of course, it is a pig injury, and the fortune fluctuates greatly. Work and career will be in trouble, financial resources and wealth will be hindered, emotional marriage will also be hurt, and it will be unhealthy. All of them need to be properly handled.

  A friend who is a tiger, or a friend who is in the middle of the day, applies for a monkey this month and every month, which constitutes "Yin Shen Zheng Chong". When Shen Jin is in the season, he rushes to Yin Hu, so it is the month with the biggest fluctuation of fortune, and he is impulsive to post horses, so there are also signs of traveling far away or environmental changes. If there is an opportunity, he should drop by. Work, wealth, feelings, psychology, health and other aspects, will encounter sudden difficulties or problems, and sometimes face major tests, or physical and mental injuries, so it is necessary to plan ahead and make early preparations. Also pay attention to avoid people who belong to monkeys.