As long as you follow this principle, you will succeed.

  Text: Cai Leilei

  We often say that choice is greater than hard work, and many people know this sentence. If we are gods and can see all the possibilities in the future, it is easy for us to make better choices for us. Stop, better choice, what is a better choice? Is it a better choice to earn 100 yuan instead of eating with friends today? Opinions vary. Some people think that 100 yuan is important, while others think that "the happiness of talking and laughing with friends" is not important? Then I'll change the problem. Instead of eating with my friends, I'll earn 1,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan, 1 million, 10 million yuan, 100 million yuan. Which is more important?

  This deduction is not unreasonable, but through a scene that you have never thought of, it reveals a underlying law that you have blurred, that is, we think that "talking and laughing with friends is more important than making money", is it really more important than making money? Wrong, just more important than making 100 yuan. But there is always a price that will make us give up talking and laughing with our friends, even for those who have the most emotional experience.

  Why? Because although there are countless unique experiences in this world, there is nothing irreplaceable. You said that you can only go to the South Pole once in your life, which is irreplaceable by money, but have you ever been to the Amazon rainforest? Neither have you. Have you traveled around the world? Have you lived in a 1000-square-meter villa? You still have a lot of experiences that you haven't experienced. There must be some experiences that can replace any precious experiences you think. If not, how about adding them up? It will definitely exceed. Some people say, "I'm sorry I don't have children", but what if I make you the richest man in the world without children? Not enough. What is the length of the earth's ball? You can get countless experiences that you can't imagine now. Don't you want to exchange them?

  I just say this to illustrate a truth. Don't be lofty and stubborn. Life is irreplaceable. The reason why you think something is irreplaceable is that no one has offered you a higher alternative price.

  Everyone's life is about the choice of cost performance. What feelings are the most important, money is the most important, and ideals are the most important. It's all nonsense. I'll give you a chance to earn 10 million yuan and just stand up your friends-can't I make an appointment tomorrow? Even if your friend is going back to America tomorrow, you can take the money and fly directly to America to find him, and you can ask him for tea every day for a month. If you give him half, he can quit his job and live in your house to be your nanny for several years.

  So what are you struggling with? When faced with a choice, it is not to choose emotion first or money first, not to follow morality or to be morally corrupt, but to choose how to speed up your life and make it easier for you to get the same level of experience. What if I give you 10 billion yuan and do what ten thousand people revile? Do you believe that if you take out 1 billion of them, all the public opinion will praise you back? You can even reverse the values of society, so that those who revile you will be criticized by others.

  Our life can't be repeated. No matter whether we choose A or B, those who regret it can always regret it, because no matter how you choose, you will never see the scenery on the other side. But as long as we follow the principles of cost performance and efficiency, we won't regret it, and we don't need to regret it; As long as we follow the principle of "bargain", we don't have to regret the unique experience of the other road, because we will definitely get, or we will definitely get more and better experiences in the future.

  This is what I want to talk about "life acceleration". It is not a utility, but a strategy. You must always make choices to make your life more efficient and faster. To achieve this freedom, we must break all the shackles that society has put on you since childhood. The shackles of the rich are often less, not because they are rich, but because they have fewer shackles, so their lives can continue to accelerate, so they become rich-wealth is only one of the results, and power is the same. In essence, their lives have accelerated to a higher level of freedom. Will you go back because your parents want you to go back to the small county? Will you stick to your self-esteem and not want an upward opportunity? Will you give up talking about big business with your partner because your child or your partner wants you to accompany you on your birthday?

  I can't even.

  When Liu Bei went out to see Pang Tong, Sun Shangxiang sent someone to report that Adou had a high fever, but Liu Beili ignored him and left directly, so he was Liu Bei. When Yuan Shao could sneak attack on Cao Cao's rear area, he gave up this great opportunity because his child was ill and didn't want to consolidate the army, so he was Yuan Shao.


  I'm Cai Leilei, thank you for reading.