After Twitter changed its name to X, Musk made several changes.

  Although Twitter renamed the website X, some changes made by Twitter made people feel that X still cannot escape the influence of Twitter. TweetDeck, as a Twitter client, still retains the icon of Twitter blue bird after changing its name to XPro. Let people know that its relationship with Twitter is not a new product. Avoid some users who think that this is another product and are not interested in using it. Causing the loss of customers.

  Musk made another reform, which allowed paying users to hide their blue marks. Previously, in order to increase income, Musk cancelled the free blue V certification mark. It has been resisted by many individual users and companies. In order to attract more fans, some celebrities show that they are themselves and don't want to pay to prove themselves. However, as Musk continues to improve the user function of Twitter, free users cannot get more useful functions. This will have an impact on celebrities and companies to continue to maintain their influence. Therefore, taking into account the concerns of these users, Musk has provided those paying users with the function of hiding tags, which can help them solve their real concerns. In order to avoid being called capricious, as Twitter changed its name to X, Twitter Blue with paid authentication changed its name to XBlue.

  In order to get more income, Musk issued a document expressing the hope that more creators can join paying users. So that they can get paid income. Because in some parts of the world, a few hundred dollars can change lives. Musk said that in the first 12 months, users who get paid will not be charged service fees. In the future, X will charge a 10% service fee, but compared with Apple's 30%, Musk thinks this fee is reasonable.

  When Musk acquired Twitter, he wanted to build his own social media platform. Therefore, after entering Twitter, the internal reform has been continuously carried out, which has caused great influence. However, with the reform, many people think that Twitter is no longer Twitter. At this time, Musk renamed Twitter X. The birth of X also marks the end of Twitter. In this way, Musk can get rid of the shadow of Twitter and carry out larger-scale reforms. We can foresee one thing, X will be graded according to the function. This will also gradually change the business model of social media, from free to charging according to functional level.