Meta 或将基于 LLaMA 大型语言模型推出 AI 聊天机器人

  近日,英国《金融时报》援引知情人士称,Meta 最早可能在下个月在其 Facebook 和 Instagram 推出AI 驱动的聊天机器人,为用户提供一种搜索、获取推荐和以其他方式与其产品互动的新方式。

  据悉,这家社交媒体巨头目前正在设计的一款能像Abraham Lincoln一样与用户交流的机器人,另外一款则能以冲浪运动员的口吻提供旅行建议。

  即将推出的产品可以帮助 Meta 在两条战线上竞争。一方面,面对来自 TikTok 等公司的竞争,内置聊天机器人可能是提高与 Facebook 和 Instagram 等服务互动的一种方式。另一方面,聊天机器人可以作为 Meta 人工智能能力的展示,因为它与微软支持的 OpenAI 和谷歌的 Bard 竞争。

  Mark zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, has publicly stated that he plans to build AI personas into the company's products. In February of this year, he announced the establishment of a new product team focusing on generative AI. Zuckerberg wrote at the time: "In the long run, we will focus on developing AI personas that can help people in various ways. We are exploring texts (such as chats in WhatsApp and Messenger), images (such as Instagram), videos and multimodal experiences."

  In early June, Alessandro Paluzzi, a mobile developer and whistleblower, found signs of a new "Chat with AI" function in Instagram application, which can answer questions and provide suggestions in 30 different AI styles. According to the leak, chat bots can also help users write messages.

  Zuckerberg mentioned the company's artificial intelligence plan again in last week's earnings conference call. He pointed out that Meta is using its own LLaMA large language model to build them. "You can imagine that artificial intelligence can help people connect and express themselves in our applications. Creative tools make it easier and more interesting to share content, act as an assistant's agent, coach or help you interact with enterprises and creators."

  Zuckerberg said earlier that he would announce more details of the Meta AI roadmap at the Connect Developers Conference held in September.

  Although Meta emphasized the benefits that such chat bots can bring to Meta users, the Financial Times pointed out that they can also provide companies with more data about users' interests to help locate advertisements. In the past few months, rival social media company Snap has tested adding sponsor links to its ChatGPT-driven My AI chat bot.

  Some analysts pointed out that Meta launched this new function to provide new search functions and provide recommendations, as well as products for people to entertain. At the same time, some experts believe that chat bots and chat rooms can not only improve user participation, but also collect data on the interests of large users. This helps Meta deliver more accurate relevant content and advertisements to users, and most of Meta's annual revenue of $117 billion comes from advertisements.

  A spokesperson for Meta did not respond to requests for comment.