AM: High performance ternary organic photovoltaic cells can be realized by embedding host/guest alloy aggregates.

  In the field of photovoltaic cells, ternary strategy has been developed to improve the power conversion efficiency of organic photovoltaic. Among them, the position of the object component plays a key role, but few studies specifically discuss this issue. Bao Xichang and Li Yonghai from Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Process, China Academy of Sciences have revealed the distribution of LA1 as an object receptor in various ternary scenes, and described the main driving forces for managing the object distribution and operation mode.

  It is found that under the control of the compatibility between host and guest acceptor, the proper relationship between crystallinity and surface energy, and the interface interaction between donor and double acceptor, most LA1 molecules penetrate into the host acceptor phase, forming embedded host/guest alloy aggregates. This characteristic distribution greatly optimizes the morphology, maximizes the energy transfer and enhances the exciton/charge behavior.

  Especially, the efficiency of PM6:IT-4F:LA1 ternary battery is as high as 15.27%, and the fill factor (FF) is over 81%. The extension study further verified the superiority of LA1 alloy structure, in which Y6 family receptor was the main component, and the excellent efficiency of 19.17% was obtained. The research results highlight the importance of object distribution in ternary system and reveal the controlling factors of object distribution in ternary battery.

  Xiaoning Wang, et al. Embedded Host/Guest Alloy Aggregations Enable High-Performance Ternary Organic Photovoltaics. Advanced Materials. 2023


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