The Analects of Confucius Gongye Chang | Why did Confucius praise Zi Chan, the ancestor of Legalism?

  Zi said Zi Chan: "There are four ways for a gentleman: he is respectful in his own way, respectful in his affairs, beneficial in raising the people, and righteous in the people."

  Zichan, Ji surname, Gongsun family, famous overseas Chinese, Zichan is his word, the grandson of Zheng Mugong.

  Why do you want to add Zheng Mugong's grandchildren?

  Because after Zheng Mugong, the monarchical power has been sidelined. Actually, it is the family of Zheng Mugong's seven sons who are in charge of the State of Zheng, so-called Seven Mu, which is the same as the Three Huan of Lu.

  And this seat is not one of the Seven Mus. He is mainly taken care of by Han, one of the Seven Mus. Specifically, Han Hu, the patriarch of Han, supports him.

  What do we think of when we see this?

  Yes, Confucius did the same in Lu, but according to the Ji family of Confucius, he didn't support Confucius in the end.

  So why did Zi Chan get support, but Confucius didn't?

  Because Confucius' idea is more radical than Zi Chan's, Zi Chan is still reconciling the contradiction between Qi Mu and Jun Zheng, and Confucius' idea is to let Lu Jun take power and deprive San Huan of his power, so there is the three capitals of Qiao.

  Some people may think that it is impossible for Sanhuan to be sold and count money for others. Isn't this whimsical for Confucius?

  In fact, the interior of Sanhuan was also overhead by their courtiers, so Confucius' first step was to cut off Sanhuan's courtiers. The enemy of the enemy was his friend, so Sanhuan joined forces with Confucius at first, and everyone got what they wanted. What Confucius thought was to cultivate talents from the common people, so that the monarch could unite directly with the common people and fight against the nobles together. In fact, after Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, this route has always been the idea of monarchs in previous dynasties. Especially after the Sui and Tang Dynasties, with the birth of the imperial examination system, nobles were replaced by bureaucrats with more mobility, the monarchy was more stable, and centralization reached its peak.