Does tomorrow really exist?

  Text/Haisi Canghai

  I can't express it, and I feel empty.

  Love is so far away, maybe all the assumptions are a comfort.

  Did the past years really exist?

  Did that Jiangnan love song really exist?

  Did that rainy season really exist?

  That you, did you really exist?

  Or the hypothesis of a dream

  Maybe your crying, your missing.

  Always, always there.

  Suppose tomorrow, and suppose we can meet again tomorrow.

  Miss that year after year, it will not be just a dream.

  Will tomorrow really exist?

  Is it really still the way I miss you?

  Perhaps, you have forgotten the world.

  Forget once, forget the love in those eyes.

  Still! Everything is still there.

  All the good things are still unforgettable.

  Or the road has no direction, because lost in yesterday's thoughts.

  Tell yourself, don't cry

  Don't cry in this rainy season.

  There may be only memories left in the past.

  Never go back, never go back to the story of that year.

  There will be no more tomorrow, and there will be no more you.

  Still! Does tomorrow really exist?


  Note: This article is collected in Hai Si Cang Hai's Poems (2023), which is the 211th one.