I don't want to be Barbie and I don't need to be Barbie.


  Many girls,

  Everyone once dreamed of having a Barbie doll.

  This beautiful, slender, seemingly omnipotent doll,

  It is the ideal and grown-up appearance.

  "I want to be as perfect as her!" The girls said.


  Barbie, originally an ideal sustenance,

  But unconsciously became a shackle ...

  Barbie is perfect and illusory.

  The real world is not Barbieland,

  You don't have to be the perfect Barbie.

  [written at the end]

  "You must be thin, but not too thin.

  You can't say you want to be thin,

  You have to say that you have to force yourself to be thin because of your health.

  You want money, but you can't ask for money, otherwise it's vulgar.

  You have to climb, but you can't rely on your wrist.

  Have leadership, but don't suppress other people's ideas.


  You can never get old and never lose your temper;

  Never show off; Never be selfish;

  Never be depressed; Cannot fail; Don't be timid;

  You can never be deviant.

  It's too difficult, there are contradictions everywhere,

  And no one will ever reward you or thank you.

  In the end, not only did you do everything wrong,

  And all the mistakes are on your head. "

  The movie Barbie


  Being a "always right woman" is an impossible task.

  So, fuck it.

  You don't have to live up to other people's expectations or be perfect.

  Most importantly, you are yourself.

  Design: sunflower seeds and white soil

  Editor: des

  “It is literally impossible to be a woman.”

  "Being a woman is an impossible task."
