On different floors of the same building, two people died on the same day, and the murderer did not leave a clue.

  [Case Summary]

  In a residential building in Zhejiang, two tenants on different floors died on the same day. After receiving the report, the police quickly rushed to the scene, but there was no trace of the murderer on the scene. For a while, people were worried. What kind of means did the murderer use to commit the crime? Next, let's review this confusing case:

  Ms. Liu lives in Zhejiang, and her parents died unfortunately in her early years. She has always lived alone with her brother. In order to make a living, Ms. Liu runs a small noodle restaurant, and her brother often comes to help.

  On this day, Ms. Liu got up early for business as usual, but she didn't see her brother busy as usual. Ms. Liu didn't care at first. Until noon, her brother was coming. Ms. Liu was worried about what happened to her brother, so she closed for half a day and went to her brother's house to check the situation.

  This look frightened her. I saw my brother in a coma in the living room, looking lifeless. Ms. Liu hurriedly dialed 120, but when the medical staff arrived at the scene, they found that Ms. Liu's younger brother had been dead for a long time and was unable to return to heaven.

  Ms. Liu was heartbroken. She decided to call the police, find out the murderer who killed her brother, and give her brother justice.

  At two o'clock in the afternoon on the same day, the police received a report. The informant claimed that his son, Xiao Zhang, who lived alone, had not answered the phone. The family members were worried about something and asked the police to check it out.

  After receiving these two reports, the police rushed to the scene. However, it is shocking that these two cases happened in the same residential building.

  Through on-site investigation, the police found no traces of fighting and a third person. The two men were in pain, but there were no traces of crime around them. Was it suicide?

  Ms. Liu said that her younger brother has always loved life and is positive. It is impossible to have suicidal thoughts.

  The police dismissed the possibility of suicide and decided to dissect the deceased to find out the cause of death.

  After the autopsy report came out, a line of data caught the attention of the police. I saw that the blood concentration of the two people who died was abnormal. Their carbon, oxygen and hemoglobin levels have all exceeded the normal value.

  This means that these three people are likely to be poisoned by carbon monoxide.

  The police quickly focused on this and investigated the crime scene. However, it was found that the concentration of carbon monoxide in the exhaust outlet of the bathroom in Xiao Liu's rented house and community was very high.

  The police believe that this may be the key to finding out the truth of the case.

  The police investigated the bathroom and found a small room behind it, which was a boiler room. The exhaust pipe of the boiler is connected to the outdoor sewer and the gap is sealed with cement. This is equivalent to the waste gas discharged by the boiler directly discharged to the ground and connected to the underground sewer.

  The police analyzed that the carbon monoxide and other exhaust gases emitted by the bathroom boiler wanted to be connected with the underground sewage pipes through the trench and discharged underground, but the criss-crossing sewage pipes "transported" the exhaust gases to the households' homes.

  The deceased Xiao Liu and Xiao Zhang all rented houses there, and the sewage stored at the U-shaped interface has evaporated, so the waste gas is directly discharged into the house. Eventually accumulated too much, resulting in the death of Xiao Liu Xiaozhang.

  At this point, the truth of the whole case came to light, and the families of the deceased also understood the truth of the matter.

  [Interpretation by Case]

  The problem of exhaust gas emission from bathrooms soon attracted the attention of environmental protection departments. According to the residents of the community, as early as before, the smoke in the bathroom of the community was often discharged into the community, which affected the daily life of the residents of the community. After they reported to the environmental protection department, the environmental protection department thought that there was a pollution problem in the discharge of this bathroom and ordered the boss to make rectification.

  But the boss modified the smoke into the sewer in order to save money. Soon after, he rebuilt the boiler room and installed a chimney higher than the residential building. After careful investigation by the police, it was found that many of the exhaust gases generated by the boiler room flowed into the residential building. This also indirectly caused the death of Xiao Liu Xiaozhang.

  The bathroom owner did not comply with the regulations of the environmental protection department and did not make rectification as required for his own benefit. In the end, Xiao Liu and Zhang, two young men with bright future, ended their lives.

  The bathroom owner regrets it, but time can't go back, two lost lives can't be saved, and the bathroom owner has to accept legal sanctions.

  According to Article 233 of the Criminal Law of People's Republic of China (PRC), whoever causes death through negligence shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years; If the circumstances are relatively minor, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years.

  The owner of the bathroom did not rectify in time because of his selfish interests, which led to the loss of two young lives, which has constituted the crime of negligent death. However, because the owner of the bathroom did not know the great harm of exhaust gas, he should be punished as appropriate.

  In the end, the bathroom was sentenced to three years' imprisonment and suspended for five years. In addition, he had to compensate the victim's family to soothe his bereavement.

  Ms. Liu still can't believe that her younger brother, who has lived together for many years, passed away. Sometimes, she will subconsciously hand in her brother's name, but when she reacts, she finds that no one will answer her again.

  The same is true of Zhang's parents. They are old and have not been in good health. Zhang is their only child. When they learned that Zhang died, they were seriously ill. The most painful thing in the world is that white-haired people send black-haired people.

  The self-interest of the bathroom owner caused the breakdown of two families. If he had known that there would be such a tragedy afterwards, he would have rectified it as required, but time could not be turned back, and the lives of Xiao Zhang and Xiao Liu could not be saved.

  The vast number of operators need to understand from this matter that honest management is the foundation of making a living. Don't neglect the safety issue for the sake of temporary profits, otherwise it will lead to irreparable consequences.